If you suffer from diabetes, the possibility of diabetic retinopathy is a real thing. To keep your vision from harm, you should be in the know about the facts of diabetic retinopathy and how to get yourself checked and treated. If you think you could be affected by diabetic retinopathy now or in the future, you may be asking yourself these questions:
Most Diabetics Skip Annual Sight-Saving Exams
People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing serious eye diseases, yet most people skip out on their annual eye exams, according to a large study. This is especially timely as Scottsdale Eye Physicians & Surgeons joins the Academy in reiterating the importance of eye exams during the month of November, which is observed as Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month. Researchers at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia have found that more than half of patients with the disease skip these important eye exams.