Macular Degeneration: Using Amsler Grid


February is Age Related Macular Degeneration Awareness month so lets take a look at how to use the Amsler Grid at home to monitor your vision.

The Amsler Grid is a tool used by eye doctors to detect vision problems that are caused by damage to the macular which is the central part of the retina.  You need the macula to clearly see details right in front of you like text or faces.

Damage of the Macula can be caused by Macular Degeneration or other eye diseases. For more info on Macular Degeneration click here!

Using the Amsler Grid is an easy at home tool but that doesn’t mean you should skip your annual eye exam.


How To Use The Amsler Grid Test at Home

Using the Amsler Grid in a few basic steps:

  1. Test your eyes in a well lit room.
  2. When taking the test keep using daily eyewear like eyeglasses, contacts or even store bought reading glasses.
  3. Hold the Grid about a foot away from your eyes.
  4. Test each eye separately.
  5. Keep your eye focused on the dot in the center of the grid and answer these questions:
    • Do any of the lines in the grid appear wavy, blurred or distorted?
    • Do all the boxes in the grid look square and the same size?
    • Are there any “holes” (missing areas) or dark areas in the grid?
    • Can you see all corners and sides of the grid (while keeping your eye on the central dot)?
  6. Switch to the other eye and repeat.

If you report any abnormalities when testing your vision, make an appointment with your eye doctor IMMEDIATELY.  Marking the areas of the Amsler Grid where the irregularities appeared can be helpful when seeing your eye doctor.

Please remember that the Amsler Grid is an at home tool to monitor vision and should not be used to diagnose any eye diseases.  Please consult our eye doctors or make an appointment if you feel that you may be at risk for Macular Degeneration! Call 480-994-1872 to make an appointment!