Low Risk of COVID-19 Transmission Through Tears, Researchers Find

COVID-19 Tears

We are all aware of the potential dangers that COVID-19 presents and the steps we must take to keep ourselves safe. Wearing masks and additional sanitation measures are the new normal and as we continue to navigate this disease new studies are being conducted. Amongst one of the newest studies conducted, helped to identify the transmission of COVID-19 through tears.

We do know that COVID-19 can be transmitted from droplets throughs sneezing or coughing, which is why wearing a mask has become recommended, but recent studies have found that it is not present in tears of affected patients. After collecting 64 tear samples from 17 COVID-19 positive patients it was concluded that there was no detection of the virus in the tear samples, suggesting a low-risk of ocular transmission.

The tears of the affected patients were tested during the 2-week period of active infection.  The tear samples collected tested negative while the nasal specimens tested positive.  This information helps to confirm that there is very little risk of transmission of COVID-19 through tears.

With these new findings Ophthalmologist can now continue to care for patients and provide essential eye care during this Pandemic.

As we continue to study COVID-19 and more information becomes available additional studies will be done to ensure the risk of transmission through tears is low.

At Scottsdale Eye Physicians we are committed to the safety of our patience and our practice during this time of uncertainty. We have take the following pre-cautions in order to protect our patients from the spread of COVID-19

We have taken the following precautions to ensure our patients and staff are safe:

-Pre-screening all patients and employees before appointments are confirmed

-Enhanced sanitation measures for employees and our facilities

-Maintaining the recommended 6 foot social distancing

To make an appointment or speak to someone call our office at 480-994-1872!