Could you be suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry Eye

Could you be suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome?

Do your eyes ever burn or feel sandy and gritty? Are they ever red and irritated? You may be suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome.

Historically, eye doctors attributed dry eye syndrome to a reduced amount of tears on the eyes. Although this is a very common cause of dry eye, studies have shown that dry eye is far more involved. Your eye doctor will check the amount of tears, the drainage and quality of your tears, the oil glands that align your eye lids, and the way you blink. All of these factors are important to know prior to determining a treatment plan specific to your individual needs.

In many cases, simply adding an artificial tear to one’s daily routine is not enough to manage symptoms of dry eye. Because there are a multitude of underlying conditions that can lead to dry eye, we treat not only our patient’s symptoms, but the underlying cause of our patient’s dry eye as well.


At Scottsdale Eye Physicians & Surgeons, our first approach to treating dry eye disease is utilizing a homeopathic technique when possible. In many cases, incorporating warm compresses, artificial tears, and a doctor recommended Omega-3 supplement into your daily routine, can significantly improve your symptoms.


If you are experiencing burning, redness, gritty sensation, excessive watering or intermittent blurry vision call 480-994-1872 to make an appointment or click here to make an appointment online!