We are all aware of the potential dangers that COVID-19 presents and the steps we must take to keep ourselves safe. Wearing masks and additional sanitation measures are the new normal and as we continue to navigate this disease new studies are being conducted. Amongst one of the newest studies conducted, helped to identify the transmission of COVID-19 through tears.
7 Tips to Reduce Digital Eye Strain
Computers, Digital Devices, and Eye Strain Eye Strain If you spend hours a day staring at a screen, there are different symptoms you can experience of digital eye strain including: blurry vision, achy or tired eyes, dry eyes, and may even sting or tear. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to help relieve eye strain.
Can Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery be Beneficial?
Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery vs. Traditional Cataract Surgery When you find out you have cataracts, it can be unsettling and scary!
Macular Degeneration: Using Amsler Grid
February is Age Related Macular Degeneration Awareness month so lets take a look at how to use the Amsler Grid at home to monitor your vision. The Amsler Grid is a tool used by eye doctors to detect vision problems that are caused by damage to the macular which is the central part of the retina. You need the macula to clearly see details right in front of you like text or faces. Damage of the Macula can be caused by Macular Degeneration or other eye diseases. For more info on Macular Degeneration click here!
Most Diabetics Skip Annual Sight-Saving Exams
People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing serious eye diseases, yet most people skip out on their annual eye exams, according to a large study. This is especially timely as Scottsdale Eye Physicians & Surgeons joins the Academy in reiterating the importance of eye exams during the month of November, which is observed as Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month. Researchers at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia have found that more than half of patients with the disease skip these important eye exams.
5 Dangerous Risks of Costume Contact Lenses!
Ophthalmologists Warn of Five Frightening Risks of Wearing Costume Contact Lenses Without a Prescription Scottsdale Eye Physicians and Surgeons, along with the American Academy of Ophthalmology share patient stories, urge Halloween revelers to avoid over-the-counter costume contact lenses Zombie or devil costume contact lenses may elevate a Halloween costume’s fright factor, but wearing them without a prescription could result in something far more terrifying – blindness. Scottsdale Eye Physicians and surgeons joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in urging Halloween shoppers to understand the risks of wearing over-the-counter contact lenses.
Get the Facts on Contact Lens Hygiene
Contact lens wearers need to step up to the plate when it comes to contact lens hygiene! A Study done by the The CDC found 99% of contact lens wearers reported at least one bad habit and a third of them had eye pain or symptoms! These numbers are through the roof! When it comes to contact lens hygiene we were all taught the basics like changing out our contact case every 3 months, not sleeping in them, and taking them out before we hit the pool, but do we actually take care of our lenses like we should?
Save Your Vision With These 5 Easy Steps
5 Steps to Lower Your Risk of Eye Disease By age 65, one in three Americans will have a vision-impairing eye disease. Many sight-robbing conditions can be effectively treated if detected early enough, in many cases limiting or eliminating the damage to eyesight. During the month of May, Scottsdale Eye Phycians & Surgoens, PC joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in sharing valuable information about how to take care of your vision. Four eye diseases — age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts — account for most cases of adult blindness and low vision among people in developed countries. Because these eye diseases cause no pain and often have no early symptoms, they do not automatically prompt people to seek medical care. But a thorough checkup by an ophthalmologist can detect them in their earliest stages. Early treatment is vital because it can slow or halt disease progression or, in the case of cataracts, restore normal vision with Cataract surgery. A thorough eye exam can also detect other health conditions, such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, and some cancers. It’s not uncommon for a trip to the ophthalmologist to actually save a life. The Academy’s global community of 33,000 physicians urges you to follow these five simple steps to take control of your eye health today: Get a comprehensive medical eye exam at age 40. Early signs of disease or changes in vision may begin at this age. An exam by an ophthalmologist is an opportunity to carefully examine the eye for diseases and conditions that may have no symptoms in the early stages. Know your family history. Certain eye diseases can be inherited. If you have a close relative with macular degeneration, you have a 50 percent chance of developing this condition. A family history of glaucoma increases your glaucoma risk by four to nine times. Talk to family members about their eye conditions. It can help you and your ophthalmologist evaluate your risk. Eat healthy foods. A diet low in fat and rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, benefits the entire body, including the eyes. Eye-healthy food choices include citrus fruits, vegetable oils, nuts, whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables and cold water fish. Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk for eye diseases such as cataract and age-related macular degeneration. Smoking also raises the risk for cardiovascular diseases which can indirectly influence your eye health. Tobacco smoke, including second-hand smoke, also worsens dry eye. Wear sunglasses. Exposure to ultraviolet UV light raises the risk of eye diseases, including cataract, fleshy growths on the eye and cancer. Always wear a hat and sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection while outdoors. “An eye exam doesn’t just check how well you can see, it evaluates the overall health of your eyes,” said Rebecca J. Taylor, M.D., clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. “The Academy encourages everyone, particularly if you’re over age 40, to get regular eye care. By making vision a priority, we can help protect our sight as we age.” Make an appointment today for a Comprehensive Eye Exam, it could be live saving! To make an appointment call 480-994-1872 or click here to schedule online! To learn more ways to keep your eyes healthy, visit the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s EyeSmart® website.
Why Are My Eyes Itchy and Dry?
Do you ever feel like all the moisture from your eyes has disappeared and left your eyes feeling uncomfortable, malnourished, or even painful? Many people’s first instincts may be allergies, but another likely possibility is dry eye. Dry eye, an affliction where the eyes do not produce enough or good quality tears to lubricate the eyes, is very common and can be quite irritating. Keep reading to find out if your symptoms are similar to those of dry eye and how you can seek treatment.
Most Americans Unaware of One of the Leading Causes of Blindness
Most Americans Unaware of One of the Leading Causes of Blindness Among Seniors Scottsdale Eye Physicians and Surgeons and the American Academy of Ophthalmology reminds the public that a simple eye exam is key to saving sight against Age-Related Macular Degeneration Age-Related Macular Degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness among seniors, affecting approximately 2.1 million people nationwide[1]. By 2050, it is expected that the number will more than double to 5.4 million[2]. People may be putting themselves at unnecessary risk of vision loss by neglecting to have sight-saving eye exams. Throughout February, Scottsdale Eye Physicians and Surgeons joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in emphasizing AMD awareness and encouraging those who are most at risk to ensure the health of their eyes by getting an eye exam from an ophthalmologist – a physician who specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of eye diseases and conditions.