One frequently asked question Dr. Dennis hears from his patients is, “what’s that ring around my eye?” What patients are referring to is a white, grey, or blue opaque ring that overlies the colored part of the eye just about where it meets the sclera, or white of the eye. The ring is actually in the cornea, a clear dome-like covering over the front of the eye, which acts likes much like the crystal of a watch.
The cloudiness commonly appears after age 60 and is called arcus senilis, or just arcus. This cloudiness typically starts at the top and bottom of the cornea, but can eventually fill in to create a full ring around the eye.
This ring is created from a gradual deposition of cholesterol and lipid (fat) in this layer of the cornea. A study shows that it does not indicate high cholesterol levels when it occurs in the middle aged and elderly population. People younger than 40 with the onset of arcus should have their cholesterol and blood lipids checked as studies do show that if this ring can be predictive of heart disease.
The white ring or Arcus does not interfere with vision and does not require treatment of the eye. If the ring is more pronounced on one eye, it can indicate that blood flow to that eye is decreased.
If your asking yourself “what’s that ring around my eye” or would like to make an appointment to have your questions answered call (480) 994-1872 today!
Click here for more info on corneal arcus!