Glaucoma Treatments
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. Glaucoma most commonly appears in individuals 40 years and older. Aside from age, particular risk factors include a family history for glaucoma and diabetes.
People diagnosed with glaucoma don’t typically experience symptoms. There is almost never any pain felt or loss of vision. Glaucoma can be found in one or both eyes.
As glaucoma progresses, it effects peripheral vision, which is the ability to see out of the side of your eye. If left untreated, people may miss objects or feel like they are looking through a tunnel. In the late stages of glaucoma, loss of vision is present in the entire eye and cannot be restored.
With early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. We’ll perform a thorough eye exam to reveal more risk factors, such as high eye pressure, thinness of the cornea, and abnormal optic nerve anatomy.In the early stages of the disease, we can delay glaucoma from progressing.
Treatment may include prescription medication or eye drops, dissolvable implants, or surgery, depending on how far the glaucoma has advanced. We’re here to answer any questions you have and to guide you through the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma.